About me

I would love to take you on my personal journey that has shaped and moved me to help you achieve more self-love and body awareness as a man today.


Esther Janssen

Tantra masseuse with certification from the IISB, Body Therapy, Sexual Counselling
Spiritual Medium, Breath & Sound Sacred Sciene™ Therapist, Embodiment & Empowerment Coach
Qualified Personal Trainer, Medical Masseuse, Wellness Masseuse

I am a member of the Förderverein Tantramassage Schweiz and work according to its principles.

A few stations belong to my eventful past. I was born and raised in the Netherlands in a family where I had to learn to endure emotional coldness – and so I went my own way early on.

Thanks to my adventurous side, I was allowed to lead a very exciting life. I lived all over the world as a dancer and then many years ago found my way into the fitness industry via medical massage, where I worked as a massage therapist, Zumba instructor, fitness and personal trainer, and wellness department manager.

Since I was used to giving and denying my needs and sensations, one day I reached my limits. Your whole life turns upside down at once when you’re in a burnout. A deep personal process began and with it my healing.

My curiosity led me to my first tantric massage course during this time. What I was able to experience and learn there was enormously enriching for me. On the one hand, I found my calling, and an old repressed experience came to the surface, and all of a sudden I was confronted with an old trauma that I thought had been dealt with long ago. Through the various tantric massages, this too was finally allowed to heal.

Today I can say that I have regained access to myself and my feelings and was allowed to walk the path of a very healing process. I was also allowed to do my life experiences to get to the core of my being as a therapist. And I was allowed to realize that my soul incarnated on this earth to help other people to find back to their spiritual essence and emotional worlds and to expand their sensory experiences.

My experience and the power from it, I can pass on to you today as a man with my seeing and feeling hands, so that you can also heal your issues and recognize your own male body, your own needs and your self-love.

Tantra massage is your individual and personal journey to yourself, to your masculinity and your (primal) life force.

I’m happy to help you feel that again.

Copyright Mann Entspannt by Esther Janssen © 2021-2022